Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i take stock in dreams.

no, not dreams like aspirations and goals. i mean dreams like the little nocturnal movies in your head.
i think it comes from reading tarot for so long, since it's so heavy on symbol interpretation, or some of it, anyway. lately i've been doing dream interpretations for friends that ring astonishingly true. even my own dreams have become so clear in their metaphors that it's almost frightening. it's like closing your eyes in reverse, seeing what you don't want to behind your eyelids rather than the warm dark. a double-edged blade, yes- but the painful truth is better than blissful ignorance.
take a good hard look at your subconscious, people. you'll be surprised at your own wisdom sometimes.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

summer is going well, but jesus christ i need a job.
i'm going to try for a tattoo apprenticeship, crossing my fingers that i'll get in. i feel so useless not working, and it really puts a damper on basic things like getting new clothes and art supplies.
also kind of feeling like my art isn't good enough to employ me. all my stuff is so far behind that of my peers that i'm constantly frustrated with my lack of ability.