well, now that the art dump is over..... on to cynicism!
i am SO sick of being leered at by lecherous men. it's uncomfortable, scary, and demeaning. why should i have to be afraid to walk down the street just for being female? what is it in the male psyche that dehumanizes the female into the sum of her organs of generation?
i am more than a juicy piece of meat.
i have feelings, and i have the right to personal space. i have the right to go about my business unharassed. i have the right not to be groped by another testosterone- fueled imbecile. if i wear a low-cut blouse or a skirt, could it possibly be because it's hot out, and not because i'm "asking for it?" what if i came up to you and started fondling you? would YOU like it? (maybe.) how would you like to be afraid to walk to the store? to ride the subway? to go out alone lest SOMEONE try to follow you home.. or worse?!
this must be one of the reasons why humans are the inferior species. hell, if a short, dumpy freako like me gets this so often, i can't imagine what it must be like for my fairer sisters.
fucking EVOLVE, guys, and maybe you'll go home alone less frequently.
(this is not to say that SOME men haven't taken the plunge into civilization...)
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